Writing Between the Lines

Writing Between the Lines


You’re passionate.

You love what you do.

You know that what you’re doing is amazing,

but how do you get other people to see that?

Easy. You hire me.

How something is written has everything to do with how people perceive it.

Let me create your copy, blog content, band bio, whatever it is, in a way that reflects you

I want to give you a finished product that makes you proud of who you are and what you have to say.


Between the lines of text on a page is where the emotion lives.

When I write, I write with feeling.

That can mean anything from inspirational, informational, personal, or professional.

Among my published work you’ll find practical life advice alongside heartfelt features like

this shop owner’s story and this artist’s journey.

Or, a particular favorite, this Winnipeg Tourism piece on two women’s dream-come-true café the owners had this to say about:

“You incorporated a perfect balance of information and character in a way that showcases what we hoped to convey in our shop.”

– Élise Page

“Really fun – love how you capture the essence of our shop”

– Teri-Lynn Friesen

If you’re more comfortable with satire, check out my personal blog posts.

It’s always fun to turn a subject on its head, like this environmental piece

Your story isn’t the lines of text on a page,

it’s the message that lies behind them.

So what are you waiting for?

Let’s show them who you are. 

Contact me here, through the form below,

or email jd@jdlitterature.com.