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Hi, I’m JD.
Welcome to my corner of the internet!
I’m a writer and creator based out of Winnipeg, Manitoba, with a penchant for puns, independent businesses, adorable animals, and art of any kind. I’m as fascinated by the architecture of a building as the graffiti on it! I make a hobby of abstract candid environmental photography (garbage art) and showcasing supurrmeowdels.
I’ve littered this site with my personal projects, products, and publications. If you’re looking to collaborate, this pitch is for you – I’d love to hear your story, and help others hear it too.
Stories of all kinds captured my interest at a young age, and fantasy novels are a particular vice of mine. I’ve always found reading to be an immersive experience; a good novel draws you into the world and allows you to experience it differently through various characters. I always liked the back story – the driving force behind the characters, their motivations and the reasons that influence their choices. I like to know why things are the way they are because context can make all the difference.
Litterature – out of place trash that that makes you ask “why is this here?” – inspired my creator’s journey. If you want to read more about Litterature try Litterature 101 or dumpster dive into The Trashury.
I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!